Wars all over the world make reconciliation the most relevant topic of our time. But nobody knows what reconciliation actually is. Does reconciliation refer to a purely theological concept? Or the recognition of different perspectives? How does reconciliation actually work in theory and what are the experiences from practice? Or is it all just theatre?
The Bonn Theatre (Theater Bonn) and the Centre for Reconciliation Studies at the University of Bonn (Bonner Zentrum für Versöhnungsforschung) are bringing reconciliation to the stage and are uniting art and science in the talk series VERSÖHNUNG - EINE UTOPIE?.
Lecturers and associates of the Centre for Reconciliation Studies will regularly give an insight into their respective fields of research.
Actors and actresses from the ensemble will accompany the talks with literary and scenic contributions.
The talks will take place over the course of five dates, which will be held regularly from November 2024 to January 2025 in the foyer of the Schauspielhaus.
The opening event on the 24th of November 2024 will be presented by Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Soeffner, who will address the main question of VERSÖHNUNG - EINE UTOPIE?
Participation in each of the individual talks costs €6 for students or €10.90 normal price.
Weitere Informationen:
Further information on the talk series and the possibility to buy tickets can be found here: https://www.theater-bonn.de/en/programm/versohnung-eine-utopie/228019
Further Information on the Centre for Reconciliation Studies at the University of Bonn can be found here: https://www.versoehnung.uni-bonn.de/en?set_language=en